Easyship ‑ All in one shipping

Easyship ‑ All in one shipping


Instant access to 250+ courier services with savings up to 70%

Easyship enable their users to create a single account and then user can access 250+ solutions for the shipping. The user will get discount about 70%. Another feature included in the application is that user can connect their courier account then further use their own rates.

The application consists the feature of no hidden fees. Rates of the application being based upon actual item present in the cart of customer and customer can easily see every required text duty as well as courier fee. Application also generate labels, present custom paper work, it also manages the order as well as create shipment within integrated applications.

Along with this there is a offer of bhaiya tracking free. It is considered as the leading shipment platform that is based upon cloud which Empire shopify merchants for driving down the cost of shipping, scale globally as well as save time.

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