Choose the top recommended app by shopify to migrate from Returnly.

Are you tired of using an app that's reaching the end of its life cycle? Frustrated with the limited support and lack of updates? Look no further! We have the perfect solution for you. Return Prime is here to provide you with a smooth and effortless migration experience. Migrate from Returnly today

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Why Return Prime over other apps

Terugkerende migratie

Contract Buyout

We understand how important it is to choose the right partner and the recommended app to support you with your business, but if you get stuck under a contract with an unreliable partner, we have got you covered :) We buy your contract to ensure, you see a smooth transition. Choose the top recommended app today to migrate from Returnly

Migreer van returnly naar Returngo

It just takes 15 min to go live

While the world trying to complicate everything around you, we ensure to simplify it. We have been awarded with the most simplest solution available in the ecosystem. We will help you migrate from Returnly in no time Our DIY modal helps you do everything with so ease in no time. With us it just takes 15 min to go live.

Ga terug naar het retourcentrum

We don't make you hostage

Unlike others, we believe in trust and so we don't make you hostage by putting a yearly contract. We strongly believe the decision should never be manipulated by the knife of contract. We want to have the fear of losing you so we constantly evolve and upgrade our bars of support and service.

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Dit is wat onze geweldige
klanten zeggen

Snitch keert terug
21 januari 2021
5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify

We waren verbaasd over het hele handmatige proces van retourneren, ruilen en terugbetalingen. Returns Prime kwam als redder en hielp ons om het hele proces soepel te laten verlopen.

Suta keert terug
22 januari 2021
5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify

Geweldige app. Eenvoudig te gebruiken app. Onze belangrijkste problemen opgelost en ons retourproces verloopt nu zo soepel. De ondersteuning vanuit het team is uitstekend.

Keer terug op Blaupunkt
Blaupunkt Audio Duitsland
1 mei 2021
5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify

we gebruiken Return Prime nu al enkele maanden en we zijn dol op de app, omdat alle retourverwerking eenvoudig en ongecompliceerd is. Geweldige ondersteuning van het Appsdart-team. Snel en professioneel. Ze staan altijd open voor suggesties en nieuwe uitdagingen.

Keert terug op Nobero
Mijn droomwinkel
22 januari 2021
5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify5 star rated Returns App Shopify

Geweldige app en heel gemakkelijk te gebruiken. We hebben al onze grote problemen in het retourproces opgelost en ons werk soepel en flexibel gemaakt. De ondersteuning van het team is uitstekend met snelle oplossingen.