Fast Checkout: Buy Now & Skip to Checkout. Add to Cart Button
Pop-ups that allow you to check out quickly. A pop up shows when a consumer hits the ‘Add to Cart' or ‘Buy Now' button, and it directs your customers to the checkout.
Booster for one-page checkout.
Try following the best practises employed by eCommerce giants such as Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress. As soon as your visitors click the "Add to Cart" button, provide them the opportunity to check out right away.
There's a guarantee of two hits. The “Buy Now” and “Add to Cart” buttons complement each other nicely. To ensure your sales, manage the checkout flow of your consumers in a flexible manner.
Design possibilities are endless. A completely customizable cart summary pop-up and a "Buy Now" button are included, so they may be customised to match your shop exactly.